Friday, March 7, 2025

Rainbow Table Runner for a Tunisian Feast!!

So, recently Karen had a bunch of us over for a Tunisian feast!! She and Miled cooked SO MANY delicious things!! I really wanted to contribute food but she said she had it covered. So I decided to make her a table runner instead, for fun! I didn't manage to finish it in time for the feast, but (just like the last gift post), I gave it to her a few days later. :)

I was absolutely inspired by the table runner shown here! I liked how it was simple, quick, yet also GORGEOUS with all the rainbow colors, leaving lots of room for designing it however I wanted. It's really just 2.5" mini charm pack squares turned "on point" I believe is the term. I had a pack of rainbow batik 5" squares that was perfect for the project! I cut the tan border out of some scrappy fabrics I had, and bound it in some bias tape.

Let's go through my process, shall we? YES!

So like I said, it called for 2.5" squares. How convenient that cutting a charm square gets you four of these! Besides batiks, I threw in some other charm squares as well, for more variety.

This is the colors laid out the way I wanted, first half!!

Patchwork Bag for Kelly's birthday present!

I got Kelly a couple crochet books for her birthday, since I was captivated with the one I saw at the library -- she crochets, I only wish I crocheted. Maybe someday I'll learn! Anyway, I planned to give them to her in this bag I made (as the wrapping paper), but I didn't finish it in time. So I gave her the bag a day or two later. :)

Finished crossbody tote bag!

How about some process photos? It was a simple sew, since I've made this style of bag a lot before!

Some of my myriad charm pack squares laid out, for the front and the back.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Kid sewing: Wizard hat for a penguin! OR, How To Sew a Fabric Cone for a Specific Size with Real, Accurate Math!!

C. had this whole idea to make a wizard hat for her penguin plushie, so I helped her make it happen! She designed it and sewed it herself. All I did was help take measurements and figure out how to cut out a fabric cone!

Penguin plush in a starry handmade wizard hat with tassels and sparkly ribbon trim, made with this tutorial: how to sew a fabric cone with real, accurate math! :)

You MUST keep reading after the jump for hilarious pictures and the all-important CONE TUTORIAL!

Smart and Strong appliqued top!

This was requested by C, when she outgrew the shirt this writing was originally on. She selected the fabrics and I was going to help her make it herself, but as it sometimes happens, she asked me to just do it instead. That's OK! I'm happy to!

Appliqued front with a message that everyone loves! :D

The back has a Totoro print

Thursday, April 25, 2024

2024-April: Scrappy Rainbow Top!

Hello! I've decided to jump back in with current sewing projects over here on the sewing blog! Every now and then I'll have an "old" backlog post from 2022-2023 thrown in as I get to it. I was tired of NOT posting here, my beloved Dorybird blog, so here we go!

I just finished this fun knit top for E!

The front

and the back

Friday, June 23, 2023

2022-Jan: Doodle Sweatshirt

I had already put black sleeves on this store-bought hoodie for E's Dawn Wings Necrozma costume. She wore it a lot after Halloween and it got stained. So I appliqued a bunch of "doodles" on it to cover the stain and add extra interest! I like how it came out: very random but (I think) pleasing. It was like doing collage. I had fun with it and she liked wearing it, too!


2022-Jan: Easy Napkins

Nothing fancy here! I simply cut up and hemmed some striped toweling fabric (and sewed mitered corners!) into small napkins and some dish towels. Yay! They're very absorbent.