Here is the first of many! School diapers! I talked with C.'s school about using cloth diapers, and they were on board. I knew I was going to sew up a stash to use at school, and I ordered supplies.
After a couple days sending a mix of velcro and snap diapers (mostly BumGenius), they told me they prefer velcro. I set about making a rainbow of EASY TO USE velcro AIO diapers! I don't prefer velcro, but I want to make cloth as easy as possible for them. (They seem a bit more hesitant than E's old school.)
Here is my rainbow of PUL
Here's the first finished diaper! The velcro is black because white was out of stock when I bought it, ha ha ha!
This particular diaper has a sewn-in soaker of Zorb and bamboo, plus a snap-in insert. I simultaneously made another copy out of the rainbow zigzag you see above. Ultimately I don't prefer any absorbency to be sewn in (drying time, ease of stuffing), so my subsequent AIOs had just snap-in inserts.